HTTP Requests
HTTP Requests are in closed beta. If you'd like to use Plato to make HTTP requests, please email
Your app may often need to read from or write to an API. Plato provides an HTTP client to issue API requests. You may issue requests directly, but they're more often used as actions in macros.
To create an HTTP resource:
- In the left-hand navbar, click "Add New".
- Enter a name for your HTTP resource.
- Click "Create".
- Enter the Base URL for your resource.
- Optionally, enter URL parameters. These will be sent in the query string with the HTTP request.
- Optionally, enter headers. These will be sent as HTTP headers.
- Optionally, enter JSON body parameters. These will be combined and sent as a JSON paylod in a POST request.
For each of these parameters, you may directly enter values. However, if you plan to fill them in with variables while recording a macro, you may leave them blank.
The HTTP client is a beta feature with the following limitations:
- It only supports POST requests.
- It only supports specifying top-level properties of JSON payloads.
If you need to issue an HTTP request not currently supported by the client, please email us at